Course curriculum

  • 1

    January 2023

    • Growth Quiz

    • Goal Checklist

    • Action Steps

    • Jan 5th

    • Jan 17th

  • 2


    • Reflections & Intentions

  • 3

    Feb 2023

    • Feb 2nd 2023

    • Tricks & Tips for Sales

  • 4


    • Branding Planner

    • Branding June 20th 2023

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    July 2023

    • Laughing to a Positive Mindset

    • Laughing for a Positive Mindset Zoom

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    August 2023

    • Lady in Pink Experience Worksheet

    • Lady in Pink Experience Video August 1st 2023

    • Beyond the Shadows: Moving Past Unrealistic Expectations (Aug 8th)

    • Pam McCloskey: Embracing the Shadows

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    Sept 2023

    • Gary Barnes Business 101

    • Pre-recorded Mastermind with Kimberly